The worst thing to happen to an Amazon seller is the suspension of their seller account. However, the suspension can be temporary, if you want to get your Seller Account back, you must show your plan of action as required by Amazon. A plan of action demonstrates to Amazon that you will cooperate and improve in the future.

A plan of action can be a difficult task for an Amazon seller. However, there are a few service providers that assist sellers in creating a plan for Amazon. It is crucial for each plan of action to take responsibility for every warning that the business received and promise to provide good quality services.

Know more about the Plan of Action for Amazon

Amazon has always been focused on providing the best customer services through its sellers. Amazon’s standards are very high. Each seller must follow every guideline given by Amazon to maintain their position on the platform. Amazon doesn’t tolerate any violations and takes strict action. Suspension can be from an infringement related to a specific product or any negative feedback left by customers.

Your plan of action’s content and quality decides whether or not your account will be reinstated. Therefore, your Amazon plan of action must answer three of the major questions.

  1. Why did the problem occur?
  2. What are you doing to find a solution to the problem and rectify it?
  3. What measures are you going to take to prevent such issues from occurring in the future?

Reasons for the suspension

There can be some major causes of your account getting suspended by Amazon, such as:

1.      Seller performance is not up to the mark!

As a seller, if you don’t perform well on Amazon and fail to fulfill the requirements, Amazon suspends your account and asks you to submit a plan of action. It is not always about one particular time you didn’t deliver an order on time. An increase in high order defect rate is usually tracked after multiple errors and late deliveries.

2.      Inaccurate seller information

If the information of the seller is insufficient or incorrect, it might lead to account suspension. You lose all the authority of communication channels in your seller central.

3.      Violation of the guidelines

Amazon requires a plan of action when you ignore the rules mentioned by Amazon and violate the Amazon code of conduct. If you present used products as new ones or purchase fake reviews, then Amazon will take strict action against you.

Amazon suspends your account and then requests a plan of action if you want it back. However, it is very important to create a plan of action that is relevant and gets accepted.

How to design an effective plan of action?

A plan of action is usually the only way of getting your account back once it has been suspended or blocked. You can create a plan of action using the pointers mentioned below.

4.      Be direct and prepare a concise document.

You must use accurate words and make your intentions very clear. Make sure to mention all of the important facts about why the issue occurred in the first place. You don’t have to describe your product or what you normally do because Amazon already knows that information. Use professional, formal language and leave out any emotional or offensive tone or wording. Be concise and avoid unnecessary details or questions that might cause distraction.

5.      Explain the root cause of each issue

Address those areas of your business that failed to meet the required standards and how they contributed to your suspension. There can be a range of causes leading to a single problem, such as getting negative feedback and not delivering orders on time can increase your high order defect rate. Make sure you analyze and address the cause of each problem in your plan of action for Amazon.

6.      Present your under review products with supporting evidence

 Insert the necessary details and pieces of evidence for all the under-review items or ASINS. You can easily see the list of the items that are being officially examined. Amazon might want you to submit a detailed performance report of the product, probably for the whole year. Check the requirements before you include them in the document.

7.      Show your effectiveness!

In your plan of action, Amazon wants to know about the cause of a problem and also wants to see your approach to resolving it. Make sure you mention specific points to describe how your chosen measures solve the particular issue. Your document can become attractive if you write in terms of facts and figures. Show proofs, highlight all the essential areas in your document and include necessary information such as supplier details and, ASINs.

Suspension with a twist!

News has circulated that Amazon has changed the process of suspending seller accounts. Before, Amazon required a plan of action after the seller accounts were suspended. Amazon sellers used to appeal and then follow up with submitting the plan of action. However, Amazon now asks for a plan of action from sellers before they suspend their accounts. Sellers can avoid the account suspension by submitting an effective pre-plan.

We hope this blog helps you figure out how to create a plan of action for Amazon. You can always visit Alpha Repricer’s blog page to get more information regarding Amazon and the entire selling process on Amazon.

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