We all know that Amazon has more than 2 million sellers, and every new year plenty of sellers join the platform to gain success and growth. There is massive competition in this marketplace. So, it is essential to maintain customer satisfaction and remove negative reviews.

Suppose a seller doesn’t have an excellent rating. Ultimately, the buyers won’t be interested in buying from that seller. The consumer will always base their trust on overall seller ratings. The sellers with good reviews and feedback will be attracting more customers than those with poor reviews.

How negative feedback affects your sales

Since ratings drive customers’ interest, negative reviews will affect your sales and profit. It decreases your chances of gaining customers and winning the Buy Box!

Getting the Buy box is already a challenge with every seller competing for visibility. You don’t want to lose visibility due to poor reviews!

One and two-star ratings in feedback are considered negative feedback. An accumulation of negative feedback makes it difficult for sellers to gain customer satisfaction and trust.

Negative seller feedback is the leading cause of penalty to the seller’s Buy Box, which causes a subtraction of 500 points in the overall score. So when negative feedback increases, it reduces the chances of getting the Buy Box more often!

Neutral feedback also disappoints the sellers!

If you are a seller and have three stars it can be seen as a neutral review. Too many neutral reviews can be seen as a negative review that may deter customers from trying out your product.

Amazon only considers 4 to 5-star ratings to be positive. It is important for sellers to find out what their customers want and what they would consider worthy of a good review. Based on this research sellers should strategize how they can acquire high ratings.

How can you remove negative feedback on Amazon?

There are a few guidelines that will help you to remove negative feedback;

Ask your buyers to remove the negative feedback

If you’ve received negative reviews on your Amazon page first see if you qualify for removal by Amazon,. If you do not qualify, the first step is to reach out to your customer.

Try to resolve the problems they faced while purchasing your product. Good follow-up customer service can attract the customer to working with you on resolving the issue. Once you build a rapport with your customer, you may be able to convince them to remove their negative review. Your request for the removal should be crafted with care and respect so you don’t upset the customer.

Leave a response on Amazon’s site

In many situations, neither Amazon nor the customer is willing to remove a negative feedback. What can be done to counter the effects of the negative review?

The best thing you can do here is leave a response to the negative feedback. This can show potential customers your efforts to resolve the issue and provide good service.

The feedback should be according to Amazon’s guidelines

If you have received negative feedback from a buyer and you see that it violates Amazon’s rules and guidelines, you can send a request to Amazon to remove the feedback.

This can help the sellers to maintain their favorable ranking and image in the Amazon marketplace.

Many reviews are considered inappropriate and violate Amazon’s guidelines, such as promoting or sharing the links of other sites on the seller’s page, using abusive or inappropriate language, or sharing personal information.

Important points to consider!

  • You must be responsive to your customers to get good reviews.
  • Try to resolve customers’ issues as soon as possible.
  • Never use inappropriate language while communicating with your customers.
  • Never bribe or offer anything in return for good reviews.
  • Communicate with your customers politely to get the negative feedback removed from your profile.


Positive reviews and feedback are crucial to any seller’s profile because it helps to build customers’ trust and win their satisfaction.

Always be responsive to your customers in a timely manner. Make sure to regularly screen their queries and issues so you can prioritize who to reach out to in what time frame. For more information, visit our website Alpha Repricer blogs!

Besides feedback and reviews, it is also important to maintain your pricing strategy. Any Amazon repricing tool that you choose must be affordable, fast, instant, and continuous!

Choose Alpha Repricer! It is the fastest Amazon repricing tool that reprices for you in less than 2 minutes and helps you keep your prices competitive 24/7. This super-fast ability of Alpha Repricer can also get you the Buy Box more often!

Are you still waiting? Signup now for our free-14-day trial and experience it for yourself!


  • Noor Jarri

    Meet Noor Jarri, a seasoned writer specializing in the dynamic world of Amazon. With over three years of experience, Noor has become a trusted resource for Amazon sellers seeking guidance on repricing strategies and navigating the e-commerce landscape.

    As a valued contributor to Alpha Repricer, Noor's expertise shines through in her engaging blog articles, press releases, and guest posts. Praised for her skill in crafting content that is both informative and approachable, Noor's writing is a knowledgeable resource for sellers of all levels. Beyond her professional pursuits, Noor is an avid traveler and culinary enthusiast. She finds inspiration in exploring new destinations and experimenting with recipes from around the world.

    Join Noor Jarri on her journey as she continues to empower Amazon sellers with insights, tips, and strategies to thrive in the ever-evolving marketplace.

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