In our opinion, Amazon Featured Offer is a game changer and a must have for sellers if they want to succeed on the platform. And for that, you need to know how it’s algorithm works. Amazon chooses the Featured Offer winner after taking multiple factors into consideration. It is a complex algorithm that the average person can’t fully comprehend. Therefore, sellers need to make sure they stay away from any potential problem in order to be eligible for the Featured Offer.

In this blog, we will delve into the intricacies of the algorithm and reveal the strategies neccessary for getting the Featured Offer. Let’s dive in!

Table of Contents:

  1. Understanding the Featured Offer
  2. How does Amazons’ Featured Offer Algorithm Work?
  3. Eligibility Criteria
  4. Price of the product
  5. Order Fulfillment Rate
  6. Shipping and ODR
  7. Customer Feedback
  8. In-stock Inventory: Important component
  9. How can Alpha Repricer help?

You might notice a white box that is usually displayed on the right side when you open a product detail page. Buyers add items to their carts by using the Featured Offer, and the seller that has the Buy Box gets the sales! In short, Winning the Featured Offer makes you the default choice when any customer clicks the option of “Add to Cart.”

Around 85% of the sales go to the seller who shines in the Featured Offer. That is why winning it is crucial for every Amazon seller. You can quickly get more sales once you win it, but it isn’t easy with the amount of competition you have to face.

But how does Amazon decide who gets the prime spot? Well, according to our information, Amazon doesn’t offer the Buy Box to every seller. It has developed a Featured Offer formula that ensures that the position only goes to trusted sellers who offer products at reasonable prices. As a result, customers are not afraid to shop from Amazon and trust the quality of products.

Each seller needs to understand how the algorithm for Amazon Buy Box works. Whether you are starting your business on Amazon or looking for increasing profits, you must know if you are eligible to win the Featured Offer. If not, then you must work on it to start getting more sales!

Here’s a breakdown of the six major components that we have collected after thorough research.

1.      Eligibility criteria

Firstly, Amazon requires you to have a professional seller account to be eligible to win the Buy Box. Apart from that, Amazon doesn’t offer Buy Box to the sellers selling used items. If you want to get your hands on the Featured Offer, you must provide new products to your customers. Make sure you sell high-quality items with zero damage. Your inventory management must be on point to win the Featured Offer. Make sure you never run out of inventory because that takes you out of the race.

For Amazon, customer service is essential. Your performance metrics are going to decide whether your customers are getting user-friendly services. Your products’ late shipment rate, order defect rate, and cancellation rate have to be negligible for you to win the Buy Box.

2.      Price of the product

Customers love sellers with lower prices, and so does Amazon! Amazon considers your product price and decides if you should win the Featured Offer. For that, you must keep your prices competitive. Not only product prices, but you should also control the shipping charges, handling, and tax.

You can lose the Featured Offer if you offer a lower price but charge your customers a higher shipping rate. However, if you offer the best customer services and your performance metrics are strong, then you can charge a higher price for your products against your competitors. If your competitors have lower prices but poor performance metrics, they won’t win the Buy Box.

Competitive pricing can never be achieved manually. You have to keep up with each of your competitors’ prices to stay ahead and increase your sales! It is always the best option to use technology to save time and, of course, money. All you have to do is sign up with an automated amazon repricing tool to take care of your product’s prices.

How can Alpha Repricer help?

Believe us when we say, Alpha Repricer is the fastest Amazon Repricer that responds to each price change instantly and reprices your products to get you on top. Our response time is under 2 minutes which makes us the best amazon repricing tool in the market. Not only are we the fastest amazon repricer, but we also offer affordable price plans for our customers without compromising on quality! Our Buy Box hunter makes sure you win the Featured Offer every time and get more sales!

“These guys are good. At first, I was reluctant to use their tool but then decided against it. The Buy Box Hunter feature let me win the Buy Box during my trial period! I couldn’t believe it. Excellent repricer. Keep up!”

-Joanne S. (Silver)

Sign up now for our 14-day free trial to experience it yourself!

3. Order Fulfillment

Amazon’s Featured Offer Algorithm also monitors the fulfillment of your orders. However, for Amazon, FBA is the best service to increase your performance metrics. If you are thinking of increasing your chances of getting the Buy Box, consider switching to FBA.

However, it isn’t necessary to have FBA service to win the Buy Box. You can still win the Buy Box with Merchant Order Fulfillment by putting in the extra effort!

4.      Shipping time and ODR (Order Defect Rate)

You must be able to deliver your orders on time to the customers. Customers love reliable and fast deliveries, and then they leave positive reviews! If you want Amazon to notice you, then work on your shipping times and make sure your orders ship on time.

Amazon analyzes your ODR of the past four months, and it has to be less than one percent for you to win the Featured Offer.

The Amazon Buy Box Algorithm also factors in customer feedbacks. The feedback can be positive, negative, or neutral. You must have many reviews if you have been selling for a long time on the platform. If you are new, then Amazon evaluates if your customers are happy with your services.

Manage your inventory well and keep it in stock. As soon as you run out of your products, you get ineligible to win the Featured Offer. Monitor your inventory daily and ensure that your refund rate is lower.

I hope we helped you understand the Amazon Featured Offer Algorithm a little better! Winning the Amazon Buy Box is always a plus point when you want to increase your sales and revenue! Make sure you tick all the boxes so that nobody can stop you from getting the Featured Offer!

Want to know more about how to win the Featured spot? Click here!

Alpha Repricer is now offering a 14-day free trial for you to experience the best repricing service! Sign up now with the fastest amazon repricer to win the Buy Box!


  • Noor Jarri

    Meet Noor Jarri, a seasoned writer specializing in the dynamic world of Amazon. With over three years of experience, Noor has become a trusted resource for Amazon sellers seeking guidance on repricing strategies and navigating the e-commerce landscape.

    As a valued contributor to Alpha Repricer, Noor's expertise shines through in her engaging blog articles, press releases, and guest posts. Praised for her skill in crafting content that is both informative and approachable, Noor's writing is a knowledgeable resource for sellers of all levels. Beyond her professional pursuits, Noor is an avid traveler and culinary enthusiast. She finds inspiration in exploring new destinations and experimenting with recipes from around the world.

    Join Noor Jarri on her journey as she continues to empower Amazon sellers with insights, tips, and strategies to thrive in the ever-evolving marketplace.

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