7 Shipping Carriers for Amazon Sellers
Shipping is an extension of your business persona. So you want to make sure your packages exude professionalism. They should arrive on time, look good, and be intact. So it is a good idea to research shipping carriers and find your best fit.
Amazon Netherlands now repriced by Alpha Repricer
Amazon opened its doors to the Netherlands market in March, 2020. Alpha Repricer is not far behind. We are excited to announce our expansion to include repricing for Amazon Netherlands. Our Dutch customers can enjoy the fastest repricing that the other European sellers have been benefiting from. Alpha Repricer brings the best repricing to Amazon.nl.
What does it cost to sell on Amazon
Before you make money, you have to spend some money. The great thing about selling on Amazon is that you can start out with small capital and still have the ability to sell to a huge customer base.
Perspective – How to Sell on Amazon in 2020
Alpha Repricer is introducing a series of blogs for new sellers who want to learn how to sell on Amazon. We will cover subjects like cost, sourcing, Amazon account.
Amazon Sellers during COVID-19 Pandemic
As the waves of COVID-19 reverberate around the world, businesses are taking actions to not get drowned out by the infectious virus. Some Amazon sellers are feeling the pinch and some are doing well, depending on the type of wares they sell. Buyer trends have changed. The demand for luxury items has dropped off.
How do COVID-19 and Amazon Policies Affect FBA and MFN Sellers?
These are challenging times, and we can make them more manageable by taking precautions, staying informed, and positive. At this writing, the number of reported cases in the United States is 7,038 (CDC). The number of people infected with COVID-19 is rising, and no one…
Switch to Alpha Repricer from any Amazon Repricer
You signed up with an Amazon repricer to automate your repricing and manage price changes. But did you end up managing the repricer? You have questions and issues but end up waiting for them to get back to you with answers. Your expectations have not been met. Its the time to switch to Alpha Repricer.
4 Reasons to Sell on Amazon
Third-party sellers account for 58% of Amazon sales. There are four reasons why it has been so easy for sellers to get a piece of the pie while selling on Amazon.
Does Using a Repricing Tool mean Selling at Lower Prices?
Many Amazon sellers stay away from repricing tools. It is a general misconception that all Amazon repricers bring down the prices. Often the sellers think it is just a race to the bottom. Competition on Amazon does not have to mean that you sell at…