Are you an Amazon seller who always introduces new and trendy products on the Amazon platform?

If yes, then Amazon product reviews are critical for maximizing the visibility of your items. Product reviews on Amazon help you get better sales by increasing your sales rank!

However, Amazon has made it a little harder to request reviews from your customers. It can be tricky to get buyers to make time and leave a review on your page. People usually don’t check such emails and old-style follow-up emails are not going to work anymore! You can’t pursue your customers for a review as you usually do. To send meaningful emails and be less annoying, there are some tips that you can follow!

Keep in mind that as a seller your emails should address your customer’s interests more than your wish to sell. Let’s start with the tips!

Pointers that you must consider before writing product review emails or follow-ups

It was pretty easy for Amazon sellers to get reviews for their products on Amazon in the past. However, now, Amazon has introduced new rules that do not allow sellers to use any review services and ask for reviews directly. Most of the sellers and manufacturers now email their customers to politely ask for reviews.

An email system is an amazing option for sellers to increase engagement and follow up with their customers. However, there has been a history of a massive usage of email services and sellers spamming their customers. Now Amazon is keeping seller’s communication with customers in check to avoid scamming and pestering them.

Amazon has previously sent warnings to sellers using inappropriate tactics to ask for reviews or through emails. If you haven’t already, then now is the right time to re-style the email template you send to your customers. Make sure it is according to the rules set by Amazon.

Alpha Repricer- the best Amazon repricer has brought down five important tips for the follow-up emails you send to your customers. Please read them and follow them to make sure you don’t end up in your audience’s junk folder.

Don’t emphasize on positive reviews only.

Asking for positive reviews from your customers through a follow-up email is a big no-no! Amazon has clearly stated that asking for positive reviews only from your buyers is banned.

Most of the sellers end up mentioning things like “if you liked our product, please leave a review on our page” or “click the link and leave a review if you loved using our product.” Such statements indicate that you are only asking for positive reviews from your purchasers.

Amazon asks you to allow its shoppers to leave their honest reviews regarding your product. It doesn’t matter if the review is negative, neutral, or positive. They must be able to say whatever they feel about your product.

Don’t manipulate your buyers by telling them what to say!

Don’t ask your customers to leave reviews based on how much they like your product or how it positively impacted their lives. Avoid questions such as “how has our product helped you in your daily life” or “what is one thing you loved the most about our product”. These types of questions are a violation of Amazon rules.

Avoid using any extra links except the one where customers are directed to leave a review. Apart from that, don’t add any other link to drive traffic on your product page or your website. It is prohibited by Amazon to direct your buyers to any other page or video etc.

Do not ask for reviews from the people buying your products with a discount.

If you have purchasers buying your products through a coupon or discount, do not ask them to leave a review. Amazon can misinterpret the situation and disable you from selling products by assuming that you are offering discounted items to get positive reviews.

Customer service is the key to get positive reviews; work on it!

If you are using the email system of Amazon just to inform your buyers that their product is shipped, then you are missing the chance to connect with your customers. The key is to provide your customers with any interesting facts or information regarding your product to use it in a better way. It helps in getting customer engagement and also gets you better reviews without directly asking for them.

Provide quality customer services, do not make the entire process exhausting, and send a fun email of how much you appreciate your customers.

By applying these tips in your follow-up emails, you can easily get honest reviews from your buyers without irritating them. Amazon won’t have any problem either!

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  • Noor Jarri

    Meet Noor Jarri, a seasoned writer specializing in the dynamic world of Amazon. With over three years of experience, Noor has become a trusted resource for Amazon sellers seeking guidance on repricing strategies and navigating the e-commerce landscape.

    As a valued contributor to Alpha Repricer, Noor's expertise shines through in her engaging blog articles, press releases, and guest posts. Praised for her skill in crafting content that is both informative and approachable, Noor's writing is a knowledgeable resource for sellers of all levels. Beyond her professional pursuits, Noor is an avid traveler and culinary enthusiast. She finds inspiration in exploring new destinations and experimenting with recipes from around the world.

    Join Noor Jarri on her journey as she continues to empower Amazon sellers with insights, tips, and strategies to thrive in the ever-evolving marketplace.

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