Seller Central provides a wide range of materials and tools to sellers including data and reports on different aspect of their business. These are very useful for any seller to assess what they can improve to grow their business. Amazon Seller Central reports also give insight into your brand’s success. That’s why it’s essential to set aside time each month to check your Amazon Business and Amazon Brand Registry reports. These business reports are found under the main tab in the reports section in your seller central account.

These reports can help you increase your sales and make your business decisions strong. Read on to know about some of  the Amazon seller central reports available to help you grow your business:

Amazon Seller Central Reports

Here are five of the important Amazon seller central reports that can help you know the performance of your business.

  1. Business report
  2. Advertised product report
  3. Performance report
  4. Targeting report
  5. Amazon search report
  6. Conclusion

. Business Report

Business Reports, which can be found in Amazon Seller Central under “Reports” on the main menu provides data on your total sales, product performance, product listing traffic, and conversion rates. Only Professional Amazon sellers get access to the business report. Thus, sellers can identify the growth numbers for each of their goods in Business Reports by clicking on “Sales and traffic by ASIN.”

. Advertised Product Report

The advertised product report provides a configurable date range of the previous 90 days. However, this report provides information on your advertised ASINs’ sales and performance data across all campaigns that received at least one impression.

This report is used to analyze how your ads perform over time. In order to evaluate whether you need to make adjustments, experiment with new ad formats, or completely change your advertising approach.

. Placement Report

The placement report provides businesses with visibility into where their advertisements appear on Amazon, allowing them to determine how much to bid. When you work on sponsored items, you’ll notice that they appear in a variety of places. Some of them appear at the very top of the Amazon search results page. Some appear on the product detail pages, while others appear across Amazon. 

The placement report also help the business to figure out how many impressions they’re getting at the top of the page, how much time and money they’re spending there. If those businesses want to do so, they may use placement multipliers to boost their bid anywhere from 0% to 900% in order to gain a top-of-search or product detail page placement.

. Targeting Report

The targeting report on Amazon provides data on all of your campaigns that received at least one impression. It displays every term, ASIN, and category that you’re bidding on, even duplicates. This report allows you to look at all of your keywords—all of the things you’re bidding on—and find out what’s lucrative or what the related metrics are. 

Brands can also use this data to choose whether to spend more or less money on advertising market. Targeting reports and sponsored brand keyword reports can help you figure out how to win. Moreover, targeting reports can also help you to discover your win-entities.

. Amazon Search Report

This report identifies popular Amazon keywords and can help brands improve their rankings. This is important for those who wish to win the digital shelf and increase their customer base. Thus, the information in the search term report might help you identify terms that aren’t performing well and add them to your campaigns as negative keywords. This guarantees that they are eliminated from your campaigns and that no advertisements are created for them. Thus, it saves your business money and help you grow.

 Moreover, the search term report enables brands to find phrases that are doing exceptionally well and resulting in a high volume of purchases. Once you’ve found these phrases, you may add them to your ad campaign as keywords rather than search terms, so they’ll be evaluated separately. This will enable you to place precise bids with whatever amount you’re willing to pay.


Amazon seller central reports help sellers to focus on the key aspects of their business. You can find the business reports under the main tab in the reports section within your seller central account. However, you can use the above reports to scale your business efficiently.

We hope this article was helpful for you. For more information, visit Alpha Repricer blogs. It is the fastest Amazon repricing tool that helps you set the prices of your products in 2 minutes. Moreover, this excellent tool helps the sellers to win the Buy Box and stay competitive.

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  • Noor Jarri

    Meet Noor Jarri, a seasoned writer specializing in the dynamic world of Amazon. With over three years of experience, Noor has become a trusted resource for Amazon sellers seeking guidance on repricing strategies and navigating the e-commerce landscape.

    As a valued contributor to Alpha Repricer, Noor's expertise shines through in her engaging blog articles, press releases, and guest posts. Praised for her skill in crafting content that is both informative and approachable, Noor's writing is a knowledgeable resource for sellers of all levels. Beyond her professional pursuits, Noor is an avid traveler and culinary enthusiast. She finds inspiration in exploring new destinations and experimenting with recipes from around the world.

    Join Noor Jarri on her journey as she continues to empower Amazon sellers with insights, tips, and strategies to thrive in the ever-evolving marketplace.

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