Amazon drives a massive amount of traffic as the largest e-commerce platform that brings buyers and sellers together. The traffic on Amazon is driven by the customer mindset of purchasing products that they need. If your products meet customer needs then you have a chance of making good sales. Millions of buyers are ready to buy your products and to make them stay, you have to make sure your listing is attractive, optimized, and prepared to serve!

Once you master the art of marketing your products the right way on Amazon, you will achieve maximum sales. The key to reaching a maximum audience is by increasing the visibility of your listing and keeping them competitive. Buyers don’t have time to go through every single product page; make sure yours is attractive enough to stand out from the crowd!

To boost your sales on Amazon, Alpha Repricer- the fastest Amazon repricing tool has highlighted the best Amazon marketing strategies for sellers to follow this year! Follow these marketing strategies to grow your business and make your way to maximized profits and increased sales!

1.      Work on your SEO!

For Amazon Sellers, SEO is the most essential marketing strategy to follow. Amazon SEO provides you with an opportunity to improve your product listings. It helps you increase your ranking in the search results of Amazon by optimizing your product pages.

Amazon marketing strategy: SEO image by

According to WebFX, almost 70% of the buyers on Amazon only check out the first page of search results on Amazon and do not care to open page two.

To get on top of the Amazon search results, make sure you use accurate keywords. If you need help in finding relevant keywords, you can use tools like, sellics, ahrefs, etc.

Add the most important keyword to your product listing title, product description, and list of features. Buyers usually judge your products by the title so be sure to set an attractive one with an effective keyword.

2.      Use high-quality images

Uploading the best quality images on Amazon helps attract the maximum number of buyers. Images can get a shopper to either buy your product or keep searching. To attract your buyer, spend some time capturing high-quality images for display.

You must capture your main image on a white background. Set a high resolution so that even when buyers zoom, they can easily see every detail.

Example of a high quality image on Amazon by

However, you can get creative with your secondary images. Try and show a comparison of your product with the competitor’s product. If need be, upload a sizing chart and promote natural, lifestyle images for buyers to picture themselves using the product.

3.      Amazon advertising as an effective marketing strategy

PCC advertising is the most effective marketing strategy to promote your products faster! Amazon offers many options for targeting purchasers so you can set the PPC ad and ensure that the ad is shown to the most relevant audience. You can use Amazon ads to attract more traffic to your product pages.

For PPC marketing, you can consider Sponsored Brands, Sponsored Display, Sponsored Products, among other options. If you own a brand, select Sponsored Brands as this ad type is ideal for promoting your brand. You can easily promote your top-selling items and highlight the ratings of each product with displayed reviews.

Amazon marketing strategy: Sponsored ads on Amazon
Sponsored Brands on Amazon.

However, if you want to promote a single listing, Sponsored Products or Sponsored Display can help you!

Example of Amazon sponsored products.

Additional Tip: Whichever ad type you choose for marketing, make sure to optimize your product listings before starting the ad campaign. Having high-quality images, attractive features, and a catchy title will help boost your ad at a better scale!

4.      Get good ratings and reviews!


Buyers usually check out what other customers have to say about the product before making a buying decision. Ask your buyers to leave a review or rate your product if they liked it. Working on user-generated content is a task, but working on this challenge might get you good reviews for your product page. Provide the best quality products and services to your customers, and then ask if they can leave a review!

5.      Video marketing can enhance your campaign

Video marketing is growing to become one of the best Amazon marketing strategies. You can shoot a video of your product, highlighting how to use it, the design, and ways you can use the item. However, make sure you don’t exceed the limit of 30 to 60 seconds, or else it gets too boring for people to watch. In the age of speed and instant gratification, anything more than a minute can be a nuisance. Make sure there are no unwanted background noises. The video should be high quality to show the actual quality of your product and its value.

6.      Use Social Media to promote your products!

Make sure you have your business accounts on all social media platforms. Limiting your advertising to Amazon is never a good idea! Make sure you promote your products on all social media sites and your brand website if you have one. You can use the feature of sponsored products on Instagram, Facebook, and Twitter. You can also advertise on Pinterest and LinkedIn.

Moreover, reach out to social media influencers and ask them to talk about your products. Their reach can help you drive more traffic to your listing. It is the perfect way of marketing your product without requiring a lot of effort.

7.      Add repricing to your list!

Marketing strategies can be effective only if your product prices are competitive. Make sure you keep repricing your products against your competitor’s product prices to stay ahead. Our team at Alpha Repricer can help you win the pricing competition and get more sales! Alpha Repricer is the fastest Amazon repricing tool in the industry, with a response time of under 2 minutes. Want to know more about us? Click here!

Alpha Repricer- the fastest Amazon Repricing tool!

Sign up now for our free 14-day trial and let the fastest Amazon repricing tool help you maximize your sales! Contact us for more information.


  • Noor Jarri

    Meet Noor Jarri, a seasoned writer specializing in the dynamic world of Amazon. With over three years of experience, Noor has become a trusted resource for Amazon sellers seeking guidance on repricing strategies and navigating the e-commerce landscape.

    As a valued contributor to Alpha Repricer, Noor's expertise shines through in her engaging blog articles, press releases, and guest posts. Praised for her skill in crafting content that is both informative and approachable, Noor's writing is a knowledgeable resource for sellers of all levels. Beyond her professional pursuits, Noor is an avid traveler and culinary enthusiast. She finds inspiration in exploring new destinations and experimenting with recipes from around the world.

    Join Noor Jarri on her journey as she continues to empower Amazon sellers with insights, tips, and strategies to thrive in the ever-evolving marketplace.

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