Becoming a top Amazon seller requires a lot more effort than just learning the mechanics of how to list on Amazon. You will get a better chance of staying competitive and maximizing your sales once you start focusing on all the major aspects that will help you! We have assembled some tips for you to follow to start selling as a top Amazon seller in 2021!

1. Choose the right products to sell!

To become a top Amazon seller, this is the first step to take! Work on your listings and choose the right product to sell for the customers you are targeting. Find your niche and research accordingly. Don’t restrict yourself by selling similar products. Research and explore! Keep up with the different trends and must notice the top-selling items on Amazon. There are tools that can help you find the top-selling products. If you think you can optimize your sales by selling those particular products, then go for it!

2. Work on your product details for better search results!

Buyers have tons of options to choose from when they visit Amazon in search of their products. They first search, find the right one, and then compare all the products before deciding to buy them. Amazon has made it easy for their customers to search from a wide range of categories and narrowing down to the exact product they need. For that reason, it is essential that you optimize your listing. You should add the correct, popular, and detailed information regarding your product to display at the top.

Your product title should be catchy. Besides, you need to use popular keywords and identifiers for your product so that when a customer searches using a specific keyword, your item pops up first! Make your item look attractive, so they know they’re buying the right thing.

3. Stay competitive to stand out as a top Amazon seller!

The lowest price is a factor that attracts customers to come and shop on Amazon. They come to get products at the most affordable prices, and honestly, amazon offers them a great choice of products to choose from! Sellers must recognize their competitors and how to price their items to get them on top!

If you are not selling anything unique, then research the similar product listings as yours and notice their prices. Make sure your prices are lower and competitive enough to help you stay ahead.

4. Get a repricer!

You can’t ignore the importance of repricing on Amazon, and doing that manually is a struggle. Repricing manually can take up a lot of your time and get in the way of you becoming a top Amazon seller in 2021. To offload yourself, get an automated amazon repricing software to do the work for you. Amazon repricing tools are fast, effective, and can get you on top without any unwanted hassles!

You can check out our blog on the importance of getting a repricer for your business. However, believe us when we say that getting Amazon repricing software can make a massive change! Pricing competitively gets you ahead, and the Amazon repricing tool is the key!

5. Owning the Buy Box gives you the lead!

You usually compete with others to get the Buy Box! Why? Because it attracts most of the customers and brings in a crazy amount of sales! In short, you need that Buy Box if you want to become a top Amazon seller! Stock your inventory so that there are no availability issues, lower your prices. Besides, work on your fulfillment and feedbacks to get your Buy Box! This is another reason to get a good repricer. An effective Amazon repricing software will put you in the Buy Box more often.

6. Professional product images are necessary

Customers can’t physically see, feel, or judge what they are buying. They can’t check out the quality either. Please make sure you get them fresh pictures to see so that they can decide whether they want to buy the product or not. Your photos should be attractive, clear, and engaging that they get convinced and subsequently buying the item. Professionally taken photos help in putting your best image forward. They will know that they can trust you, and you are a professional seller.

7. Manage your inventory the right way

Online selling comes with the pressure of managing your inventory the right way. It’s not going to impact your business well if customers want something that you don’t have in stock. Make sure you stock up your items and show their availability. It is essential for winning the Buy Box too.

Please read our blog on inventory performing Index to help you understand the importance of inventory management in a better way!

8. Put your customers first to become a top Amazon seller!

It is essential to satisfy your customers – after all, they are the ones helping you succeed! Interact with them in a better way and make them feel comfortable to trust you. Serving them better turns them into repeat customers. Put their needs first including, rapidly answering their concerns, dealing with all the issues, and positively handling complaints and returns.

9. Get product reviews – positive ones, of course!

Product reviews can help amazon sellers a lot! Buyers usually get attracted to the products with good customer reviews. Bad reviews, however, turn them against you, resulting in lesser sales. The most challenging part is that you don’t have control over what people leave under your reviews section!

Well, almost 90% of the buyers check out reviews before they get any product. It would be best if you ask your customers to leave constructive reviews under your section!

10. There’s always room for improvement!

If you want to become a top Amazon seller, then you can’t stop! As a seller, you have to be serious in monitoring your performance and listing regularly, and making changes accordingly. Put in efforts and improve – it will pay off!

Give proper attention to your quality of products, sales, and reviews. Make sure you have fewer return rates and complaints. Use the metrics Amazon gives for your account to stay up-to-date. Also, sign up for there newsletter to stay informed on any policy changes.

In conclusion,

Becoming a top Amazon seller is not for the weak-hearted. Rewards can be huge (many sellers became millionaires). But like any money-making project, it requires work. It requires constant attention to markets, policies, customers, and inventory. So you should automate as much as you can. Automating repricing can not only free you from repricing. But it can also bring in the cash to grow. Repricing smartly is a must to stay competitive on Amazon, and Alpha Repricer , the best Amazon repricer, is here to help! We offer the fastest, instant, and continuous repricing, so you don’t have to worry! Easily import your inventory, set minimum and maximum prices, decide on a strategy and you are on your way. Our free onboarding sessions make it even easier to get familiar with our repricing tool.

Try us for 14- days and then decide for yourself! Or Contact us to learn more about Alpha Repricer before you sign up. Happy selling!


  • Noor Jarri

    Meet Noor Jarri, a seasoned writer specializing in the dynamic world of Amazon. With over three years of experience, Noor has become a trusted resource for Amazon sellers seeking guidance on repricing strategies and navigating the e-commerce landscape.

    As a valued contributor to Alpha Repricer, Noor's expertise shines through in her engaging blog articles, press releases, and guest posts. Praised for her skill in crafting content that is both informative and approachable, Noor's writing is a knowledgeable resource for sellers of all levels. Beyond her professional pursuits, Noor is an avid traveler and culinary enthusiast. She finds inspiration in exploring new destinations and experimenting with recipes from around the world.

    Join Noor Jarri on her journey as she continues to empower Amazon sellers with insights, tips, and strategies to thrive in the ever-evolving marketplace.

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