Whether you are a beginner on Amazon or a professional Amazon seller, it is important to think from a customer’s perspective when promoting or working on your Amazon product page. Otherwise, you don’t get enough engagement and lose prospective sales. To increase the level of interaction and interest from potential buyers, we are here with a few tips.

According to us, here are a few essential and practical ways to bring engagement to your Amazon product page:

1.      Product descriptions must be compelling:

Your product description must highlight three significant aspects of your product, that are:

  • Features
  • Benefits
  • Uses

Your product description must be informative, persuasive, and attractive. Moreover, make sure to mention how your product can help resolve the issue or how it meets the customers’ demands. Avoid false claims about your product or exaggerated features. In our opinion, keep your product descriptions easy to read and to the point for maximum effectiveness. Customers don’t like reading lengthy posts, so they might ignore them and move on to the next product page.

To learn more about optimizing your product page the right way, click here!

2.      Attractive videos and images

Amazon allows you to post videos on your Amazon product page to help buyers make better purchase decisions. Take advantage of the opportunity and prepare a 30-second quick video demonstrating how to use your product in real life. Upload high-resolution and attractive product images that showcase your product from each angle. Try to click product images on white background for neat results. Please do not post blurred, or randomly clicked product images on Amazon. It will only push the customers away.

3.      Get more reviews

Our research has shown that customers usually go through product reviews and feedback before buying the product. Try to persuade your past customers to leave their feedback and ratings for your product on your Amazon page. Genuine and positive reviews can help increase engagement by building the trust and credibility of the seller. When customers read good things about you, they make sure to get the product and suggest others to get it too.

4.      Respond to customer questions

If the customers leave questions in your comment section, then respond promptly. Addressing customer issues on time and providing them with solutions can help increase engagement and also help buyers in making informed purchase decisions. Take our advice and try to have a friendly tone whenever you reply to your customers. They need to feel welcomed and important by you. Even when they post a complaint regarding your product in the comments, make sure to stay humble, and apologize; so that the other customers know you accept and work on your mistakes.

5.      Avoid unnecessarily long titles

 Having engaging product titles can get you more clicks. How? Well, concise product titles make it easier for buyers to look for your product, find it, and understand its use. Try to use relevant keywords in the titles to increase visibility. However, utilize keywords that correctly represent the main features of your product. Using long keywords or unnecessary keywords might give customers a hard time understanding your product.

6.      Mobile-friendly product page

Make sure that your Amazon product page is mobile-friendly. Since a significant amount of traffic on Amazon comes from mobile users, it will help a lot if your product page is optimized for mobile. The main aim should be to provide customers with a seamless shopping experience. Whether they log in through a laptop, iPad, or mobile phone, they must be able to see all your images, descriptions, and an accurate layout.

7.      Amazon advertising

To reach a wider audience on Amazon and quickly increase engagement, try promoting your products through advertising on Amazon. Sponsored Product Ads can help target the right customers and increase visibility on the platform.

In conclusion,

Try to work with a strategy in mind. Note down what you’ve done so far to increase the engagement of your product page and monitor the results. If a strategy is not working, shift to a different one. Do not give up; keep on trying for better engagement and sales. Good luck! Alpha Repricer- the best Amazon repricing software always comes up with new updates so make sure to follow us!
