Min/Max Types - Alpha Repricer

Min/Max Types

Min/Max Types on Alpha Repricer

Min/Max Types:

Min/Max have three types which are mentioned below:
1.Listing Min/Max
2.Adjust Min/Max
3.Fixed Min/Max

1.Listing Minimum/Maximum Price:

The minimum and maximum defined for the item on the listings page will be used. This option is selected by default.

2.Adjust Total Minimum/Total Maximum:

This feature is used in real-time to recalculate the min/max at the time of repricing. The calculated min and/or max will be used only in the event of repricing. You can add or subtract a percentage or a fixed value to the existing minimum/maximum to calculate a new temporary min/max. This comes in handy when you want to have a seasonal sale. Using this option will not change the min/max assigned to the item on the listing’s page. 

Note: Total minimum/Total maximum must include shipping.

  • If Error Arises: 

In case of an error, i.e. your total minimum or total maximum goes to zero or goes below your shipping,  then the system will not use the calculated min/max.

You can choose to do one of the following:

1. Notify on the listing screen and do nothing:

Notify you on the listings screen and not reprice that item.

2. Notify on listing screen and continue with listing Total minimum/Total maximum:

Notify you on listings screen and continue repricing with the Total minimum/Total maximums defined for the item on the listings screen and ignore the calculated min/max.

Fixed Total Minimum/Total Maximum:

Replace existing Total Minimum/Total Maximum with fixed values. This is a permanent change and is shown on the Listings page.

Note: Total Minimum/Total Maximum must include shipping.
