Dashboard - Alpha Repricer


Alpha Repricer Dashboard

The dashboard tab shows three major portions you can work on, these are:




The repricing option on the dashboard shows all marketplaces, available channel accounts, repricing profiles, and an inventory folder. Through this option, you can work on your selected marketplaces and manage all your inventory.




This option overviews the entire inventory including:

  1. Total Listing
  2. Listings with zero quantity
  3. Listings without Min
  4. Listings without Max
  5. Listings without Acquisition Cost
  6. Listings without Profile
  7. Non-repriceable listings


Repriceable Listings


This option overviews the repricing history for all listings:


  1. Buy Box won
  2. Buy Box not won
  3. Competitive price below Min
  4. Listings at Min Price
  5. Listing at Max Price
  6. No Competition
  7. Shared Buy Box
  8. Buy Box shared between others
  9. Buy Box shared with you
  10. Buy Box Suppressed
  11. Buy Box below Min


Item Position


Shows the position of the repriceable items on Amazon.


Repricing Analytics


View information related to repriceable items, Buy Boxes won, Max and Min repriced value and so on.

Repricing Overview


Repricing Overview shows the total number of listings repriced for the channel account and duration you can select.


Average Repricing


This shows the average number of repricing events for a selected group by period.

repricering overview

Repricing Analytics


Repricing Analytics shows the trend of each channel setup being repriced over a span of 7-days. The channel can be selected from the top right-hand side under the “Channel Account ” after which the duration can be set, you can also check the average repricing percentage of your channel setup.


It also shows the number of buy boxes won, the minimum repriced value, and the maximum repriced value. Analytical representations are easier to understand and can help in visualizing the trends to grow your business.




This section helps you view your sales after you have repriced your inventory. There are 3 kinds of analytics that you can view:


Sales Overview


Shows sales of items for the selected channel account, fulfillment type, and duration.


Marketplace Sales Overview


This shows an overview of sales, orders and average sales of all the marketplaces added. You can filter the data based on duration.



Channel Analytics


Shows consolidated orders and sales reports of all marketplaces filtered on the basis of:


  1. Channel Account
  2. Duration
  3. Currency
channel- account- analytics